
YOGYAKARTA - Former leader of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) Muhammad Rizieq Shihab, issued a letter of application to a number of government agencies through his legal team.

The reason is, he did not receive a recommendation for permission to carry out Umrah worship by the Central Jakarta District Attorney (Kejari Jakpus).

Rizieq's attorney, Aziz Yanuar, stated that there was a Prosecutor's Law Article 11A paragraph (1) and Presidential Regulation No. 38 of 2010 Article 57 in conjunction with No. 29 of 2016 in conjunction with No. 15 of 2021 concerning the Organization and Work Procedure of the Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia (Perpres Kejaksaan).

"It stipulates that prosecutors can serve representatives of the Republic of Indonesia abroad. Until now, there have been four locations for assigning prosecutors abroad," Aziz said when contacted by the Media, Wednesday (2/8/2023).

The location is at consulate generals or embassies in China, Thailand, Saudi Arabia, and Singapore. "So, the Indonesian Embassy in Riyadh also has prosecutors, if the reason is for supervision," he said.

The legal team considers that reason unreasonable. "The reason carried out by the Central Jakarta District Attorney is the difficulty of supervision. This is very ridiculous and makes us confused of course," he added.

In fact, the legal team is ready to help finance the departure of parties who will supervise Rizieq when carrying out worship.

"What is the point of the state paying a high price, the prosecutor's office in Riyadh if he is unemployed?" Aziz said. If it is still not allowed, Aziz will continue to apply for his client's Umrah worship.

"We will submit it again. Continue to submit it while we report what is hindering it. Because this is human rights. People want to worship," he stressed.

Previously, it was reported that Rizieq sued the Head of the Central Jakarta Class I Correctional Center (Bapas) to the Jakarta State Administrative Court (PTUN).

Reporting from the Jakarta Administrative Court Case Tracking Information System (SIPP), the lawsuit was registered on July 28, 2023 with case number 339/G/2023/PTUN.JKT. However, the contents of the lawsuit have not yet been stated.

Aziz said the lawsuit was filed because the Central Jakarta Class I Fathers issued a letter prohibiting his client from leaving for Umrah.

"The lawsuit we filed at the Jakarta State Administrative Court against a letter issued by the Central Jakarta Correctional Center regarding the permit for the worship of our client, Habib Rizieq Shihab," Aziz said in an official statement, quoted Wednesday.

Separately, Central Jakarta Class I Headquarters Bambang Maryanto also responded to this lawsuit.

"In principle, we are trying to facilitate clients who have submitted Umrah applications abroad. We have processed all the documents," Bambang said when contacted by reporters, Wednesday.

To obtain a permit, there is a filing that must be completed, namely a letter of application from the client, a guarantee from the family, a letter from the travel bureau regarding Umrah submissions, identity cards (KTP), and family cards (KK).

In addition, another element that must be fulfilled is a letter of recommendation from the Central Jakarta Kejari regarding the supervision of Habib Rizieq as a client (as a former prisoner who is conditionally free).

"However, from the Central Jakarta Prosecutor's Office issued a letter which reads that it does not provide recommendations regarding permits to go abroad," Bambang continued.

Regarding the lawsuit to the Administrative Court, Bambang admitted that he had no problem with it. Because, he is ready to show all the evidence and letters on this matter.

"Later, let us show the evidence of all kinds of letters together. There is no problem," he said.

"So, the outline is that we cannot continue the petition because there is one element that is not fulfilled. What is not fulfilled? A recommendation letter from the Central Jakarta Kejari," continued Bambang.

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