
BOGOR A number of areas in three sub-districts of Bogor Regency, West Java, reportedly had difficulty getting clean water. Responding to this, the Bogor Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) has distributed clean water assistance. In early August, it was reported that the distribution of 55 thousand liters of clean water to a number of areas in the Jonggol, Cibungbulang, and Jasinga sub-districts. Acting (Plt) Head of BPBD Bogor Regency Asep Sulaeman explained, on Tuesday (1/8/2023) distributed 25 thousand liters of clean water for five villages in Weninggalih Village, Jonggol District. Clean water assistance is aimed at 635 families (KKK) or 2,150 people. Because of the absence of rainfall in one week in the region, thus resulting in a crisis of the community's springs. The community only has one water source, namely from rainfall, as well as residents have difficulty meeting the daily need for clean water, said Asep, in his statement, Thursday 3 August According to Asep, five villages in Weninggapi Village each received the assistance of 5,000 liters of clean water. Clean water assistance is channeled to water tanks in the village. Asep. Bogor Regency BPD also distributed 25 thousand liters of clean water to Sukamaju Village, Cibunggul District. Clean water is intended for the needs of 486 families or 2,554 people.For a while in some villages the need for clean water has been met. There are still some areas that still need for clean water distribution in the village because 90 percent of water is derived from rainwater storage, said Asep. BPBD Bogor Regency also distributed 25 thousand liters of clean water to Sukamaju Village, Cibungbulang District. The clean water is intended for the needs of 486 families or 2,554 people.'

Asep said that his party also received reports from village heads in Jasinga District about the reduced discharge of springs due to decreased rain intensity. This condition makes it difficult for residents in Kampung Kalong Liud to get water for their daily needs. "We distribute 5,000 liters of clean water from PDAM Kahuripan, Cemplang Village, Cibungbulang District, for 840 residents from 270 families in Kampung Kalong Liud," said Asep.

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