JAKARTA - PT MRT Jakarta noted that the progress of the MRT phase 2A line construction reached 25.16 percent as of July 25, 2023. Construction of MRT phase 2A is targeted for completion in 2029.
Phase 2A MRT Jakarta will connect the HI Roundabout Station to the City along about 5.8 kilometers and consist of seven underground stations, namely Thamrin, Monas, Harmoni, Sawah Besar, Mangga Besar, Glodok, and Kota.
Phase 2A is divided into two segments, namely segment one of the HI Roundabout Harmoni which is targeted for completion in 2027, and the two Harmoni's segment of the City which is targeted for completion in 2029.
The Jakarta MRT 2A phase was built at a cost of around Rp. 25.3 trillion through a cooperation loan fund between the Government of Indonesia and Japan.
Corporate Secretary Division Head of PT MRT Jakarta Ahmad Pratomo explained that the MRT work on the CP 201 contract package (including Thamrin and Monas Stations) phase 2A MRT has reached 60.08 percent.
"Currently, the construction of Monas Station has entered the stage of casting the station's platform floor, installing swallows and constructing as preparation for the launch area of box jacking work for the construction of entrance 1 Jalan Museum, casting towers and backfill venture towers 2, backfill substations, strut and wallers and excavation of ventilation tower 1," said Pratomo in his statement, Monday, July 31.
Currently, the installation of ventilation channels and station cable lines and substations is also carried out, installation of water supply pipes, drainage, and fire fighting systems, delivery of mechanical and electrical equipment, installation of room walls at the main substation and stations, painting of the main substation walls, and installing iron doors and handrails at the main substation.
While at Thamrin Station, the work being carried out includes excavation and casting work on the roof and concourse slab of the station, installing the south and north side of the slab, casting the south side of the station column, and pileping for the station's north side extension stabling.
As of July 25, 2023, the temporary ring was also being installed by TBM 1 on the north side of Monas Station as part of preparations for drilling the northbound tunnel to Harmoni Station.
"Meanwhile, the 2 (TBM-2) tunnel drilling machine is carrying out construction work on the northbound tunnel from the north side of Monas Station to Harmoni Station and has succeeded in building a length of about 979.5 meters (653 rings)," he explained.
For the CP 202 contract package (covering the Harmoni 'Largewah' Station of Mangga Besar), his work has now reached 16.63 percent with work coverage including protection and relocation of utilities, cancellation of cancellations, testing pits and demolition piles in the Jalan Hayam Wuruk side Harmoni Station area, preparation for traffic engineering management stage 3, and guidance wall work at Sawah Besar Station.
Then, after the signing of the CP 203 contract package (Glodok Station and City) on April 20, 2021, the progress has reached 37.55 percent.
The work carried out at Glodok Station includes excavation work at the platform/bottom slab level, bottom slab structure, and grounding mat in the station platform area (platform). At Kota Station, ground excavation work is being carried out for the roof slab, road decking installation, and handling the discovery of the ancient water pipe city phase 2.
"Out of structural station work, preparations are currently being made for the delivery of TBM 1 for CP203," he said.
Meanwhile, the procurement of CP 205 includes a railway and rail system, which has been carried out with an international competitive bidding. Call for tender has been carried out on August 25, 2022. The 206 rolling stock (neighbors) has been market sounded and adjusted the number of train series from 14 series to seven series.
"The plan is that the call for tender will be carried out in Q1 this year. Meanwhile, CP 207 automatic core collection (payment system), call for tender will be held in June 2023," explained Pratomo.
Meanwhile, the plan to develop the phase 2B MRT Jakarta which continues from Kota Kota Station to Depo Ancol Barat is still in the feasibility study stage.
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