
TANGERANG - An elderly person with the initials K (55) was arrested by the police for allegedly committing a sodomy against a child with special needs with the initials RRS in the Puri Beta 2 area, Larangan, Tangerang City. Tangerang Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head Kompol Rio Mikael Tobing confirmed the incident. The incident took place on Wednesday, July 26 at 17.55 WIB. At that time, K met the victim who was playing kites. Then the perpetrator took him to the bushes. " “(Then) the victim's genitals were held. It happened more than that," Rio said when confirmed, Sunday, July 30. At the time of the incident there were two witnesses R and MI who saw the perpetrator and the victim walking towards the bushes. However, when followed by witnesses, they lost track because the field was quite wide and the terrain was getting dark. At around 18.40 WIB, the witness met RRS and K who came out of the bushes. The witness immediately asked the victim about his goal in the bushes. "“ Subsequently, the witness asked the child ‘you have been helped by the gentlemen,” added Rio. " “ 'Abis was brought in pants and (the shame, RED) was held' ” Rio said imitating the victim's answer to the witness. Furthermore, the witness asked the perpetrator about the information provided by the victim. However, K denied and immediately challenged the witness, because he was threatened with being complained to the police station. "“ It's not true what the perpetrator said. (Then) the perpetrator challenged the witness, so the witness asked for help from the security guard around the field, to bring the witness and the victim to the Tangerang Metro Police,” he said.
Arriving at the Tangerang City Metro Police, K was investigated. As a result, the perpetrator was named a suspect on suspicion of abusing children with special needs. "The perpetrator has been detained," he concluded.

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