
BANJARNEGARA - Responding to the issue of the acceptance of New Student Participants (PPDB) of the zoning system that is often complained of by the public, the Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo built SMK Negeri 1 in Metawana Village, Pagentan District, Banjarnegara Regency.

Ganjar visited SMK Negeri 1 Pagentan on Tuesday afternoon July 25 to carry out the inauguration, as well as carry out the School Governor Sambang program.

"When yesterday PPDB we saw that there were still many schools that could not accommodate, so we tried to recalculate remote areas that needed schools," said Ganjar.

Ganjar is now trying to increase the number of vocational schools in remote areas that do not have public schools in 17 sub-districts throughout Central Java.

A total of 17 of these areas are Pagentan District, Tawangmangu District, Rahtawu Hamlet, Gebog District, Kemalang District, Pancur District, Karangtengah District, Batuwarno District, Poncowarno District and Tlogomulyo District.

Then in Bejen District, Gladagsari District, Kalikotes District, Tamansari District, Ngaringan District, Madukara District, Kebonarum District, and Wonosamudra District.

"I am increasing the SMK so that this SMK really prepares skilled workers related to downstreaming that is being worked on by the Indonesian government, let's welcome superior, skilled human resources and that is a vocational school like this," said Ganjar.

While inaugurating, the Governor Sambang School program was carried out by Ganjar by having a dialogue with the students who were present. Ganjar encourages students to welcome challenges in the future.

Ganjar hopes that the existence of more and more vocational schools can give birth to many excellent graduates who are ready to create innovations, especially related to new and renewable energy (EBT) which is majoring in SMK Negeri 1 Pagentan.

"I am very happy that this major is new renewable energy. Hopefully this will be able to pick up the future when we want to encourage battery technology," said Ganjar.

"So that our transportation system, this electric vehicle car, the workforce supply, is prepared from now on. So we have prepared these children so that they can fill the industry later," continued Ganjar.

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