
JAKARTA - Artist Bobby Josep was again arrested by the police on suspicion of drug abuse of synthetic type weighing 0.46 grams. He was arrested at his home in the Cinere area, Depok, Friday, July 21, at night. Yes, it is true that one person was arrested, namely Bobby Josep. In the past, he was arrested in West Jakarta, now we secure it again, "South Jakarta Metro Police Narcotics Head Kompol Achmad Ardhy confirmed when confirmed, Monday, July 24. Ardhy explained that apart from arresting Bobby, the police also secured synthetic tobacco evidence. The contemporary illicit goods were being checked. (So) he used it, but (the camera) he kept it. Barbuk (the evidence) synthetic tobacco has been carried out by a lab check and positive, it's synthetic tobacco," he said.

Meanwhile, to check urine tests on the perpetrators, said Ardhy, the results were negative. Because according to him, the drugs used are synthetic tobacco. Negative urine test because he uses synthetic tobacco. Different, because other urines are positive, if this is synthetic tobacco," he said. Regarding how long Bobby has been using these illicit goods, Ardhy has not been able to mention it. Because it is still under investigation. We are still investigating," he concluded.

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