Depok City Government, West Java, has simplified the licensing process for Building Permits (IMB) in their area. This is realized through the use of the SIKASIR application or the Retribution Simulation Calculator System, which makes it easier for applicants to take care of IMB receivables in Depok City.
Depok Mayor Mohammad Idris, in Depok, Saturday, said that this online application is a form of Depok City's commitment to realizing e-Government, especially in facilitating services in the community.
"This is also part of the assessment for the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN), which will be announced in October," said Idris, quoted from ANTARA, Saturday, July 22.
Furthermore, said Kiai Idris, SIKASIR is an innovation from education and training participants (training) echelon III officials or administrator officials within the Depok City Government.
"This is a condition for the graduation of the training participants, so everyone submits a change project, leading to the application," he said.
Depok City itself has nearly 200 applications, therefore he wants all these applications to be integrated or integrated to make it easier for the public to access all Depok City Government services.
"Depok Single Window or DSW already exists, so this application (SIKASIR) in addition to providing transparency, it is hoped that the burden of receivables can also be resolved," he concluded.
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