
PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto responded to the opportunity of former TNI Commander General (Ret.) Andika Perkasa to become the head of the winning team for Ganjar Pranowo as a presidential candidate for the 2024 General Election.

Andika became one of the ministers who briefed the campaigners for Ganjar's victory. However, there has been no official statement regarding the appointment of Andika as the frontman of Ganjar's success team (timses) until now.

Although he has not stated that Andika is part of Ganjar's team, Hasto considers Andika's role to have exceeded his duties as a PDIP cadre. In fact, Hasto considered it natural that Andika was considered included in the list of candidates for vice president to accompany Ganjar.

"In strengthening Pak Ganjar Pranowo's winning team. That's more than a member of the PDI-P," said Hasto during a training event for Ganjar's winning campaigner in Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, July 18.

"Not only being timses. The options that are voiced by friends, right, if we look at the names that are circulating, mega mother has not yet decided who will accompany Pak Ganjar. So, between as timses, then the options as candidates for vice president are also still open to Mr. Andika," he added.

According to Hasto, Andika was appointed as a speaker in training for Ganjar's winning campaigner due to his track record as a TNI soldier.

"Pak Andika in such a capacity is indeed in good relations. But when the public perceives, Mr. Andika is firm, building an organization, has the courage to uphold discipline for those who violate the law and then have a very broad track record including carrying out defense diplomacy," he said.

Meanwhile, Andika admitted that he would teach these young campaigners to promote Ganjar through his performance while serving as Governor of Central Java.

In recent surveys, Andika claims Ganjar has succeeded in reducing the poverty rate in the area he leads.

"The period during his tenure, especially in the last three years, has continued to decline. If for example 2021, 9.92 percent of the number of poor people in Central Java, the number in 2023 is up to 9.7. So, there is a decrease," said Andika.

Andika also asked campaigners to promote Ganjar as the most superior presidential reading to fulfill the public's desire to elect candidates in the 2024 presidential election in terms of integrity to improve welfare.

"Our positioning, which I offer to all winning teams, is that we always position Mas Ganjar in his place," said Andika.

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