
Polda Metro Jaya was also involved in eradicating the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) in the task force formed by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo. As a result, 12 cases have been revealed by naming 14 suspects. "Polda Metro Jaya has contributed to the handling of 12 TIP reports with 14 suspects," said Deputy Chief of Metro Jaya Police Brigadier General Suyudi Ario Seto at the Metro Jaya Meeting Hall Building, Tuesday, July 18. Then, from the series of disclosures that took place from June to July 2023, 55 people were rescued from various modes used by TIP actors. Suyudi emphasized that the TIP case is a crime that tarnishes human dignity and violates human rights. Therefore, it was emphasized by the Police's commitment, especially the Polda Metro Jaya, to eradicate the TIP case. "In the future, Polda Metro Jaya will remain committed and continue to investigate and disclose this person's trading criminal network," said Suyudi. Previously, the National TIP Task Force managed to save 2,093 people from June 5 to July 16. Thousands of victims were based on the investigation of 680 police reports (LP). Of the hundreds of reports received, the TIP Task Force named 795 suspects. They often use the promising mode of being Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).
"Police reports as many as 680 reports of the number of TIP victims as many as 2,093 people," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Kombes Nurul Azizah.

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