
PALU - Central Sulawesi Provincial Government has tightened surveillance of livestock delivery traffic to prevent anthropic transmission, disease of animals that can be transmitted to humans. "Antrax has not been found in Central Sulawesi Province, but we remain aware of the presence of anthrops and other diseases by tightening supervision of animal traffic," said Head of Veterinary Animal Health and Public Health Division of Central Sulawesi Province, Dandy Alfita, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 18. In order to reduce the risk of disease transmission, he explained, the government seeks to ensure that livestock entering the Central Sulawesi region has met the health requirements and has an animal health certificate stating that the livestock is disease-free. According to him, the government sent officers to monitor animal delivery traffic from other regions to Central Sulawesi and vice versa. Animal animals who according to the results of the examination do not meet health requirements, he continued, should not be brought into the Central Sulawesi Province region and must be returned to their area of origin. In addition to monitoring animal delivery traffic, according to him, the government also ensures that animals infected with antractically are immediately destroyed to prevent transmission of the disease. "Because this is zoonosis, so it is necessary to be careful. For exposed animal management to be immediately destroyed by being buried or burned, otherwise it will be periodically transmitted to humans," he said. He appealed to farmers periodically to check the health of livestock and immediately report to animal health officers if there are sick animals. Antracts are classified as zoonosis, infectious animal diseases to humans. The disease caused by bacterial infections of Bacillus anthracis generally attacks herbivore animals such as cows, goats, and sheep.

Humans can catch antrax if they make direct contact with open wounds on infected livestock, breathe air that contains antrax spora, or eat animal meat that is attacked by antags. Attractive transmission in livestock can be prevented by carrying out vaccinations and traffic control of livestock shipments.

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