
JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti said the DPD RI should already have a proposal or proposal to improve the Constitution which is able to strengthen the sovereignty and prosperity of the people.

This was conveyed by LaNyalla at a meeting of the leadership and members of the DPD RI in the context of the Socialization of the Results of the Consultation Meeting of the DPD RI and MPR RI Leaders, in Jakarta, Wednesday, July 12 evening.

The meeting was attended by LaNyalla and the three Deputy Chairmen of the DPD RI, Nono Sampono, Mahyudin and Sultan B Najamudin and dozens of members of the DPD RI. Also present were the Special Staff of the Chairman of the DPD RI Brigadier General Amostian, Togar Mnel and Sefdin Syaifudin. It was also seen that the Secretary General of the DPD RI Rahman Hadi and his staff were present.

According to LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, the awareness to make corrections to the Constitution resulting from the 1999 to 2002 Amendments has begun to be discussed at various levels. Both at the level of elements of society, as well as in state institutions. Even the MPR RI has assigned the Study Group at the MPR to start compiling state proposals as part of efforts to improve the Constitution.

"Therefore, we at the DPD RI should also have one proposal for us to offer as a concrete contribution to this nation and state in an effort to improve the future of the nation and state," he explained.

He explained, for the last 25 years it has been proven that this nation has increasingly provided a place that is free to the Economic Oligarchy and Political Oligarchies to unite in power. So that people's sovereignty is increasingly not channeled in its entirety and the prosperity of hundreds of millions of people is increasingly difficult to realize.

"Of course the proposal must represent the interests of members of the DPD RI as participants in the legislative election from the individual element. Because we should have the same role and be equal to Participants in the Legislative Election from elements of members of the Political Party. Because both were directly selected by the people," he said again.

And of course, continued LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, the proposal still prioritizes the idealism of the DPD RI as a legacy for Indonesia, by ensuring that the sovereignty and prosperity of the people can be achieved more measuredly in improving the Constitution.

"Because the amendments from 1999 to 2002 were finalized, and it was proven academically that they had left Pancasila as the Highest Legal Norm. So there is only one way to improve, which is that we return to the state system according to the formulation of the founding fathers of the nation in the draft of the Constitution dated August 18, 1945, and then simultaneously refined with Addendum Engineering," he said.

LaNyalla assured that the DPD RI struggle must be carried out for the people. So that members of the DPD RI do not need to hesitate in moving.

"We must dare to do something. Moreover, the goal is for the people. We must be sure, because if we hesitate, surely we will not succeed," he said.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chair I of the DPD RI, Nono Sampono, said that in the context of interpreting the life of the nation and state after reform, there are currently three different groups. The first is the status quo group, which wants to maintain the current condition. Second, the group that wants to amend the 1945 Constitution as a result of amendments through the 5th amendment.

"It appeared then that the third group, which has recently grown bigger and then the DPD RI, arrested this as a national awareness that the Constitution in accordance with the nation's identity, namely Pancasila, was in accordance with the formation of the nation's founders, which of course we must improve or be perfected," he said.

According to Nono, there are many descriptions of experts, as well as aspirations for the Chairman of the DPD RI from various regions and elements of society, who emphasized that it was quite a wave that wanted to replace the current Constitution which is increasingly leaving Pancasila.

"When the DPR leadership consulted with the MPR leadership, it was read that there was something similar, that the current Constitution was the basis for the life of the nation and state problems," he said.

From the MPR, continued Nono, they view that the entrance to this amendment to the Constitution is PPHN (state direction groups) and then talk about others. Different from the DPD side who want to change but not just PPHN, but place the MPR as the highest institution of the state, and so on to the addendum.

"We know that they departed from the political party group will certainly adjust to the decisions or steps taken by political parties. But at least this has given an idea that the concept offered by the DPD RI, they understand. The conclusion is that our people's sovereignty is being hijacked," he said.

Nono said that the DPD RI really needs to offer a more revolutionary concept in improving the nation. He also sees the need for the leadership of the DPD RI to continue to approach the government, more specifically with the President.

"We must convince the government, especially the President, that we cannot force the current situation to continue, because it will plunge," he said.

In line with Nono Sampono, Deputy Chairman II of the DPD RI Mahyudin also said that the current power is in the President. Therefore, the lobby must continue to be carried out to the President. Meanwhile, the role of political parties in changing the Constitution is very large.

"If we want to amend the Constitution, it will revive the authority of the MPR. There must be a proposal of one-third of the MPR members and then two-thirds of the trial will be present. If only the DPD itself, for example, we are not enough in a third. At least there must be 2 to 3 major parties who agree," he explained.

According to Mahyudin, the Roadmap offered by the Chairman of the DPD RI is ideal for the nation and state in the future. However, he wants a better preparation.

"When the DPD conveys to the President with a concept that is finalized, it becomes an academic manuscript, of course it will be studied and the path will be easier. Only later can you go further to political parties," he explained.

Meanwhile, regarding the improvement of the Constitution, especially the existence of a Roadmap back to the state system, the formation of the nation's founders, which was perfected, according to the Deputy Head of the Third DPD RI, Sultan B Najamudin said that conceptually it was very comprehensive. The next step is to think about a strategy so that the improvement is immediately approved.

"It remains only how we are active again and we determine the right strategy. That this cannot be dammed because history has proven that there is a nation that has fallen, there is even a nation that has broken down because the situation is not well secured," he said.

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