
BANDA ACEH - The Bireuen District Attorney's Office (Kejari), Aceh Province, is investigating allegations of corruption in the management of women's savings and loan funds in the National Community Empowerment program (PNPM) with a budget value of IDR 3.3 billion.

Kepala Kejari Bireuen Munawal Hadi mengatakan dugaan tindak pidana korupsi dana PNMP yang diusut tersebut untuk wilayah Kecamatan Gandapura, Kabupaten Bireuen, tahun anggaran 2019 hingga 2023.

"The investigation was carried out after there were reports of irregularities in the management of savings and loan funds for women from PNPM in Gandapura District. The budget value reached Rp3.3 billion," said Munawal Hadi as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, July 7.

In investigating the case, the investigation team in the field of special criminal acts of the Bireuen Kejari has searched the Gandapura District PNPM Office. Search to look for evidence and evidence to confirm the case in court.

The search was led by the Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Bireuen Attorney General's Office, Siara Nedy. The search was based on a search and investigation warrant from the Head of the Bireuen District Attorney. As well as a letter of determination from the Bireuen District Court.

"From the search, the investigative team found related documents in the form of group proposals, fund management bank accounts, payment lists, PNPM Gandapura management decrees and several other related documents," he said.

In addition to the search, the investigative team has also asked for information from parties related to the management of savings and loan funds for women groups in the PNPM program in Gandapura District, including asking for expert opinion related to the investigation of alleged corruption in the case.

"The investigation of the case has been upgraded to the investigation stage. However, investigators have not determined who the suspect is. Regarding how much loss the state has caused, it is still being calculated by related parties," said Munawal Hadi.

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