
JAYAPURA - President Joko Widodo said various efforts to free the hostage pilot Susi Air are still being carried out by the government together with the security forces.

"We don't just look at this silent. Because we have tried very, very hard, but it cannot be opened regarding what has been done in the field," said President Jokowi in Jayapura, Papua, quoted by ANTARA Friday, July 7.

To reporters after opening the Papua Street Carnival which was centered in the courtyard of the Jayapura Dok II Governor's Office, President Jokowi said what had been sought and done regarding the release of the hostages could not be disclosed.

"The government has tried hard to resolve the issue and is still in progress," said President Jokowi.

President Jokowi admitted that Thursday night he had held a meeting regarding this matter, but it could not be disclosed and what the results would be.

"What is certain is that the government will continue to strive to free the New Zealand national pilot," said President Jokowi.

Meanwhile, Papua Police Chief Inspector General Pol Mathius Fakhiri stated that his party was still prioritizing the negotiation process to free the Susi Air pilot who was held hostage by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) led by Egianus Kogoya.

Negotiations were carried out by involving Egianus' family, community leaders, and religious leaders, and the process was still ongoing.

"Indeed, negotiations are still being put forward to free pilot Philip," said Police Chief Inspector General Fakhiri.

Pilot Philip has been held hostage since 7 February 2023 shortly after landing the Susi Air plane in Paro, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains. The plane was then burned by the KKB led by Egianus Kogoya.

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