
JAKARTA - The name of the DPR/MPR Building received ridicule on Google Maps, changed to a number of other names with very negative and inappropriate connotations.

University of Indonesia (UI) political communication expert Ari Junaedi regretted changing the name of the DPR Building on Google Maps. According to him, the style of criticism conveyed by some of the parties against the DPR has exceeded the corridor of decency.

"The correct criticism is that you can flick your ears with heat without having to press it hard. Conveying opinions must be based on problems that occur accompanied by data and supporting facts," said Ari, Wednesday, July 5.

Ari assessed that there is a need to improve the communication culture of the Indonesian people because information disclosure should continue to prioritize polite values.

"We still have to put forward the essence of politeness as an Eastern person together. The essence of criticism does not have to be conveyed with fire but must be elegant in conveying criticism and solutions," said Ari.

"Voting languages that are not polite or inappropriate is a reflection of the nation, not only certain agencies, so education and socialization need to be done to increase public awareness of this," continued the Director of the Nusakom Pratama Political Studies Institute.

Ari understands the public's anger that considers the DPR's performance to be lacking or that there are still weaknesses in the functions carried out by the legislative body. However, the era of openness is said to not have to be addressed by statements that violate the norms of decency.

"We certainly understand the anger of the community. However, if we pinned words that were chaotic and rude when the DPR had carried out its control, legislative and budgeting functions even though the DPR was not optimal, of course it was also inappropriate," said Ari.

The swearing made by some by changing the name of the DPR Building on Google Maps is indeed considered by Ari inseparable from the behavior of some members of the council who are considered disappointing. Including the corrupt behavior of a number of members of the DPR.

"Not all public can express their disappointment with a polite narrative but at least it's not good to equate all council members with bad and disappointing stigma," said Ari.

"So far the DPR has remained critical of the Government even though most of the Councils are filled with coalition parties supporting the Government. The Council remains critical of the plan to purchase Uzur planes from Qatar. The DPR is also worried about the non-optimal performance of the Police and others," he explained.

Ari added that this time the blasphemy added to the list of challenges for the DPR RI to improve itself, as well as a means to prove that the oblique accusations are actually a motivation for the people's representatives to provide the best possible performance in the function of supervision, legislation and budgeting.

"Just say this is a warning from some parties who are not satisfied with the achievements and performance of the DPR. Satisfaction that everyone is not identical to the absence of criticism at all. In fact, the DPR must continue to ground and continue to voice the aspirations of the people it represents," explained Ari.

The majority of DPR members themselves responded casually to criticism from the public at Google Maps. Ari also praised the attitude of the council members who were not reactive and considered the DPR to have shown that they were not anti-criticism.

"The DPR's cool attitude towards strong criticism from some parties shows the maturity of the DPR which does not always have to be reactive and not a few bit' reports to the police," he said.

"Criticism does not have to be responded to with criticism, in fact criticism must be addressed with good performance even though most members of the Council will compete again on the legeslative election stage," Ari continued.

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