
The Semarang District Court (PN) has tried a lawsuit filed by the Melanesia Corruption Watch community against the Mayor (Walkot) of Semarang, Hevearita G Rahayu. The lawsuit is related to the Asset Report of State Officials (LHKPN) Hevearita.

In the first trial chaired by the presiding judge, Suprayogi, Hevearita as the defendant was not present.

During the trial, the panel of judges examined the completeness of the administration of Melanesia Corruption Watch's attorney who was present at the trial. The judge then postponed the trial to send a summons to the defendant again.

"Two weeks have been postponed to give the defendant the opportunity to fulfill the summons to attend the next trial," said Suprayogi at the Semarang District Court, Central Java (Central Java), Tuesday, July 4, which was confiscated by Antara.

Meanwhile, Melanesia Corruption Watch's attorney, Sahudi Ersyad, explained that the lawsuit filed was related to the truth of the LHKPN submitted by Hevearita.

According to him, from the LHKPN which Hevearita last reported in 2021, there were several reports that were allegedly not in accordance with the facts.

He gave an example, the PDIP politician reported that he only had two motorbikes for a total price of Rp. 5.5 million. "It doesn't make sense that the mayor who owns two motorbikes has a value of only Rp. 5.5 million," he added.

In addition, he continued, Hevearita has also not submitted the LHKPN in 2022 until the specified time limit.

In the petition for the lawsuit, according to him, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was also asked to carry out factual examinations of the LHKPN submitted and take legal action if irregularities were found.

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