JAKARTA - DPR member Firman Soebagyo suggested that village heads have full authority and independence in terms of managing village funds.
"The village government can carry out its duties and functions in building villages according to the potential of their respective villages, because each village has different characteristics," said Firman, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 4.
He hopes that the independence of the village fund management will have clear legal certainty and umbrella as the basis of governance. In realizing the empowerment of a prosperous, prosperous, and just village, he added, the central government has disbursed village funds sourced from the state budget.
According to the member of the Legislation Body (Baleg) of the DPR, it is important to give trust and independence to village officials so that they carry out their duties and functions in accordance with the precautionary principle.
Not only that, continued Firman, the management of village funds by village officials will also make it subject to Law Number 17 of 2003 concerning state finances because village funds are sourced from the APBN.
Furthermore, the basic thing is that the village government has different village characteristics. It also gives rise to different local potential and wisdom.
"If the management of village funds still has to follow the directions and regulations from the central government as they have been, then the village government will not be able to progress and build the village through the village funds," he explained.
Firman also encouraged an increase in allowances for village officials. He assessed that their burden and task was quite large in guarding various activities in society.
Through the revision of the village law, he said, the DPR must be more repressive and anticipatory on the challenges and changes to the impact of economic globalization.
Therefore, Indonesia must be able to build and strengthen the economic structure starting from the village so that the national economic foundation is even stronger.
This member of Commission IV of the DPR also added that the village head election (pilkades) was proposed when there were only single candidates. After that, an extension of registration will be carried out if there is only one candidate.
He emphasized that there is no need for engineering to fight empty boxes or shadow candidates whose sometimes wives and children participate.
"If this is allowed to happen, we will cultivate and preserve bad culture and destroy our democratic system and this is much more effective and efficient," he concluded.
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