
JAKARTA - Chairman of the PDI-P DPP Said Abdullah said that the pilgrimage in 2023 will become a spiritual executor for prospective presidential candidates from the PDI-P Ganjar Pranowo.

"This year's Hajj will be a spiritual embedding event for Ganjar Pranowo," Said Abdullah said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 30.

Said Abdullah shared the story conveyed by Ganjar Pranowo to the Chairman of the PDI-P DPP Puan Maharani after meeting with various scholars and habib in the Holy Land.

"Mas Ganjar stated that he was really queuing while in this Holy Land. 'I got a lot of advice from many ulama and habib who were performing the pilgrimage'," Said said, imitating Ganjar Pranowo's statement.

In addition, Said said Ganjar felt made it easier during Hajj. Rewards worship like Indonesian citizens in general, namely without escort, especially protocol standards for high-ranking state officials.

"During wukuf, tawaf ifadah, until when I went smoothly, his heart was cool, 'I'm not hot, Ms., how come there is energy that moves me'," Said said when returning to imitate Ganjar's statement to Puan.

In addition to meeting many ulama and habib, Ganjar, who is also the Governor of Central Java, made a pilgrimage to the tomb of alkaarom, the late KH Maimoen Zubair, as said by Said Abdullah.

"Mas Ganjar certainly can't forget Mbah Moen's great services," said Said.

Mbah Moen, Maimoen's nickname, is a great Indonesian cleric who is a role model for Ganjar. Moreover, Gus Yasin (the son of Mbah Moen) accompanied Mas Ganjar as deputy governor in Central Java.

"Therefore, one of Mas Ganjar's agenda after the pilgrimage is to make a pilgrimage and offer a prayer at Mbah Moen's grave. This is certainly a good example," said Said, who is also the chairman of the Banggar DPR.

Ganjar and Puan's cohesiveness was repeatedly shown in public. Their cohesiveness was intended to dispel Puan's assumption that she was disappointed because the recommendation for a presidential candidate from the PDI-P did not fall to her. Said Abdullah considered Puan to have a big soul.

"This attitude is certainly proud for us, as well as an example for all PDI-P cadres. Mbak Puan is getting more mature in politics and the state," said Said.

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