
The Mamuju Police, West Sulawesi Province (Sulbar), arrested a perpetrator suspected of committing fraud by selling other people's cattle to people who intend to sacrifice Eid al-Adha 1444 Hijriah. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mamuju Police, AKP Jamaluddin in Mamuju, Wednesday, June 28, said that his party arrested the perpetrator with the initials An (32) based on community reports, so that officers were secured at his house on Abdul Malik Pattana Endeng Street, Simboro Village, Simboro District, Mamuju Regency. The perpetrator allegedly deceived the victim by claiming to have three cows to be sold at a price of Rp. 23 million. However, after the perpetrator took the victim's money, it turned out that the offered cattle belonged to other people.

"This perpetrator turned out to have no cows and only pretended to have a cow that actually belonged to him. The victim, who felt cheated, then reported it to the Mamuju Police," he said. The Mamuju Police Resmob Team moved quickly to arrest Andi his house, and now the perpetrator has been secured at the Mamuju Police Headquarters along with evidence of his crimes. Jamaluddin also hopes that the people in Mamuju will be careful to buy sacrificial animals so they don't be deceived as experienced by the victim.

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