
JAKARTA - The National Police's Trafficking Crime Task Force (TPPO) has continued to take action since it was formed by the National Police Chief, General Listyto Sigit Prabowo. As a result, 598 people were named as suspects in the TIP case.

"A total of 598 suspects have been arrested," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Saturday, June 24.

The hundreds of suspects are the result of prosecution from 511 Police Reports (LP) that have been received. However, from the report there are still developments.

Based on the data, 100 TIP cases are still in the investigation stage. Then 384 are in the investigation stage and the files are complete or P21 has one case.

From the series of disclosures of the TIP case, it was recorded that 1,744 victims could be saved.

In detail, 777 adult female victims and 99 child women. Then for adult male victims there were 819 and 49 male children.

Ramadhan said that the thousands of people were victims of TIP because they were deceived by the mode used by the suspects.

The most mode used by the suspects is by luring the victims to work as Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) or Domestic Workers (PRT). There were 386 cases that used this mode.

"The other most modes are the victims being used as Commercial Sex Workers (PSK). The numbers in this case are 136. The other two modes of TIP are employing victims as crew members (ABK) with 6 cases and 34 cases of child exploitation," said Ramadhan.

Meanwhile, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo formed the National Police TPPO Task Force on June 5. This step is a follow-up to the direction of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

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