
JEPARA- Jepara Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Central Java, arrested two students from one of the Islamic boarding schools (ponpes) in Bangsri District for stabbing and arresting three residents who vandalized the boarding school.

"The perpetrators who were arrested were the aftermath of a commotion at the Islamic boarding school until there was a stabbing case, then there was an act of vandalism by three residents," said Jepara Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Ahmad Masdar Tohari accompanied by the Head of Public Relations Subsipenmas Ipda Basirun and the Head of Corruption Unit Ipda Siswanto, reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 23.

Two students are suspected of being involved in the stabbing with the initials HM and BU. Meanwhile, the three perpetrators of the destruction of the Islamic boarding school with the initials MT, MS, and AS.

The stabbing case, he said, occurred when the wife of the stabbing victim with the initials S admitted that she was threatened by a boarding school student with the initials BU using a sharp weapon. Victim S who worked outside the city immediately went home to hear the news.

"After returning from out of town, victim S immediately clarified to the hut on Sunday (18/6). He was looking for a student named BU," he said.

After the victim met BU, there was an argument about the threatening information against his wife. S then hit BU with his bare hands.

Because he was carried away by emotions, in the end, BU fought back by pushing each other with victims S who were surrounded by a number of students.

After trying to escape failed, finally S jumped the gate. But unfortunately, when he climbed the gate of the santri with the initials BU, he grabbed a sharp weapon into S's body.

"The sharp weapon used by BU was given by HM. As a result, the victim suffered a torn wound to the right side of the waist," he said.

For his actions, BU was charged with Article 351 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of 5 years, while HM was charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code in conjunction with the Criminal Code. Article 56 of the 1st Criminal Code carries a maximum imprisonment of 5 years.

Meanwhile, in the case of destroying the boarding school following the stabbing case at the Islamic boarding school, Jepara Police named MT, MS, and AS as suspects on suspicion of being involved in a commotion in front of the boarding school on Sunday (18/6).

The three brothers threw up pesantren with chunks of cor, exhaust, and other solid objects from outside the hut when there was a commotion and stabbing inside the hut. As a result, the pesantren fence was damaged.

For his actions, the three suspects were charged with Article 170 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code and/or Article 460 KHUP jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

The evidence that was confiscated from the scene of the case, namely iron from broken fences, chunks of cor, crowbars, and exhausts.

This incident also resulted in mutual reporting. The three suspects were reported by the pesantren to the Jepara Police for the vandalism case, while BU and HM were reported to the Bangsri Police for cases of abuse.

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