
KULON PROGO - Kulon Progo Resort Police, Yogyakarta Special Region, has named five suspects in the alleged criminal act of trafficking in persons that caused 18 prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers to be employed in New Zealand, abandoned by the Yogyakarta International Airport area.

Head of Public Relations of the Kulon Progo Police, Iptu Triatmi Noviartuti, said the five suspects consisted of couple NR (46) and DWA (46) residents of Gayamsari (Semarang); and two women each with the initials TH (42) residents of Genuk (Semarang), ASP (46) residents of Banyumanik (Semarang) and V from Semarang.

"Currently, the five people who have been questioned and have been named as suspects," said Triatmi Noviartuti, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 23.

Investigators are still investigating whether there are other parties who will be examined again.

This is because the two female suspects also serve as recruiters.

"All suspects are still undergoing intensive examination by the Kulon Progo Police Satreskrim," he said.

Currently, the 18 PMI candidates from Central Java and East Java are temporarily placed in Rusunawa Giripeni to facilitate communication.

"Coordination investigators with local governments in the area of origin of the victims for repatriation," he said.

Previously, the Kulon Progo Police thwarted the departure of 20 PMI candidates who will work in New Zealand through Yogyakarta International Airport.

This case stems from information from members of the Temon Police regarding the plan to depart 20 PMI candidates at YIA who after being checked by immigration officers did not have official documents.

"When the completeness of the documents was carried out, the 20 prospective migrant workers were not equipped with valid documents," said Triatmi Noviartuti.

A total of 20 PMI candidates came from Magetan (East Java) Grobogan, Wonosobo, Cilacap, Purworejo, Purwodadi and Semarang (Central Java).

Previously they were accommodated in Bali for 4 months and started staying at a hotel around YIA since Monday (5/6). Originally they were dispatched to New Zealand to be employed as fruit pickers by air in YIA.

"That out of 20 people, they will be used as migrant workers in the New Zealand Country," he said.

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