TANGERANG - A cendol ice trader named Ahyani (57) who was the victim of a hit-and-run car driver on Jalan Imam Bonjol, Tangerang City experienced difficulty paying for medical expenses at the hospital. This was conveyed directly by the victim's son, Ahmad Furqon.
As a result of the accident that happened to his father, Ahmad was forced to take care of claims for treatment from Jasa Raharja. He focused his parents' health first so that they had not taken legal action.
"To report yet. Focus on the management at Jasa Raharja so that the treatment can be claimed," he told reporters, Wednesday, June 21.
Ahmad said, as a result of the incident, his father suffered serious injuries and is currently being treated intensively at the hospital. Ahyani suffered injuries ranging from bleeding to broken bones.
"The part of the head, body and hands, the fingers of the hand suffered a broken bone of the bleeding head, so they had to receive 15 stitches. Still in the operating room," he said.
Even so, he intends to report the irresponsible enforcement action to the police. Currently, still collecting evidence.
"But this is in the process of looking for the perpetrators through eyewitnesses at the crime scene. I hope to meet the perpetrators," he said.
Tangerang Metro Police Chief Kombes Zain Dwi Nugroho said this case was being handled, although no reports had yet been received.
"It's still in the investigation process," he said.
Previously, it was reported that it was really sad that Ahyani (57), a cendol ice trader, suffered injuries to his head and legs after being a victim of a hit-and-run by a car driver on Jalan Imam Bonjol, Tangerang City. Seeing the victim who was lying down, the car driver immediately stepped on the gas.
Luckily, the hit-and-run accident was caught on CCTV surveillance cameras belonging to a building shop around the location. In the video footage, the victim was previously seen pushing his cendol ice cart on the side of the road.
Then the white minibus passed at high speed and immediately hit Ahyani. Ahyani's victim and her cart bounced for about 10 meters.
The old man's body was seen hitting the edge of the pavement and lying straight down. One of the witnesses, Taufik, said the incident occurred on Monday, June 19. When approached, Ahyani was already in a state of bleeding head.
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