TANGERANG - Tangerang City Government did not interfere in the case of the Study Tour fraud experienced by SMPN 10 Tangerang City. The Tangerang City Government considers that it is a mistake that must be borne by the school. "Yes, ask the police to report. That is the responsibility of the school, we ask those who do it, those responsible," said the Mayor of Tangerang, Arief Wismansyah, Wednesday, June 21. Arief said that his party would not provide legal assistance to the school to report the travel agent who took the money away. Although, there is a Legal Section of the Regional Secretariat of Tangerang City. It is known that the SMPN 10 Tangerang City study tour money was taken away by the travel agent. The amount reached Rp492 million from 328 students. Where each student paid a study tour fee of Rp. 1.5 million for a trip to Yogyakarta. Arief also said that the school had actually violated Circular Letter (SE) Number 421.3/0452-Pemb.SMP/ about the implementation of learning outside the class (outing class). This is the reason why the Tangerang City Government did not provide assistance to the school.
"Yes, they are carrying out activities. First, they have violated the official circular letter, so they have been given sanctions, so take care of their business," he said. Meanwhile, the Travel agents are still on the loose. This is because the school has not focused on reporting to the Tangerang City Metro Police. Previously, it was reported that the study tour money for SMPN 10 Tangerang City was taken away by travel agents. The total loss suffered reached Rp492 million. The money came from 328 students who had paid the study tour. It is known that each student paid a Study Tour fee of Rp1.5 million.
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