
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Da'wah Commission of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Ahmad Zubaidi asked the dai to take a role in realizing a peaceful general election (election).

"The ulama, dai, and mosques are components that are able to encourage peaceful elections. This step is in anticipation of divisions in society," Zubaidi said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 20.

Zubaidi said the previous election was a lesson in reading the upcoming democratic celebrations. Because the divisions that are born from differences of votes are increasingly protracted and occasionally they are still felt today.

In addition to encouraging the contribution of dai, Zubaidi also reminded about the da'wah strategy that can be used, namely with da'wahwasathiyah.

This Da'wah wasathiyah is oriented to the middle way in dealing with a problem. This step will also be able to become the glue for community relations.

In addition, the MUI also reminded the need for careful readiness in the realm of da'wah management. Because that's where the da'i and the mosque will be able to synergize with maximum and focused.

"If da'wah wants to be effective, preachers and mosques must collaborate with each other. Do not let the two of them go their separate ways without synergy," said Zubaidi.

The Deputy Minister of Religion (Wamenag) Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi said the same thing. He said religious organizations play an important role in maintaining Indonesian unity and unity in the political year.

"Religious organizations play an important role in keeping Indonesia peaceful," said Deputy Minister of Religion Zainut.

Zainut said the momentum of succession of leadership must run peacefully, politely, ethically, and dignifiedly, and not trapped in identity politics practices. This is because identity politics has the potential to divide the life of the nation and state.

Therefore, he said, the principle of moderation in politics is important to implement to the nation's citizens, so that differences in choice do not become the reason for the birth of divisions.

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