
The North Aceh District Attorney's Office (Kejari) executed six convicts of violations of Islamic law in several cases such as gambling and child rape.

Head of the Intelligence Section of the North Aceh Kejari, Arif Kadarman, said that the implementation of the caning was based on a decision from the Sharia Court which stated that the six convicts legally violated Aceh Qanun Number 6 of 2014 concerning Jinayat Law.

"The six convicts, namely MI (18), H (33), K (30), U (48), DU (25), and F (33)," said Arif as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 20.

The caning execution took place in the courtyard of the North Aceh District Attorney's office. Also witnessed by a number of officials within the North Aceh Regency Government.

Arif explained that MI was convicted of rape against a child on November 19, 2022, so it violated Article 34 of the jinayat law qanun with 100 lashes and 46 months in prison.

H was involved in a sexual harassment case with 45 lashes. H's caning was cut temporarily by 5 months so that he only underwent 40 lashes.

Furthermore, said Arif, the convict K served a caning sentence 24 times after cutting his prison term due to cases of sexual abuse of children.

Terpidana U tersangka kasus maisir atau judionlinedan dihukum 26 kali kali caning setelah dituncang masa penjaraan.

Next, the convicts DU and F were each sentenced to 23 lashes after cutting their detention period because they were proven to have practiced sincerity or mingled with those who were not their muhrim.

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