
The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of West Nusa Tenggara explores the presence of the Governor of NTB Zulkieflimansyah at the political safari event for presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo at the Perindo NTB DPW Office, Sunday (18/6).

"After the event, the NTB Bawaslu immediately coordinated with the district and city Bawaslu via zoom which immediately carried out close supervision in the field," said the Head of the NTBItratif Bawaslu in Mataram, reported by ANTARA, Monday, June 19.

Itratif said there were several things that were conveyed, including the presence of the Governor of NTB Zulkieflimansyah.

"But on that occasion the person concerned (the Governor of NTB, ed.) did not present an oration. Yes, of course, we will investigate it based on other facts on the ground," he said.

However, according to the rules that are prohibited, it is to facilitate using the APBD or other government facilities.

"If there is a gathering in political activities, there is no prohibition provisions," he said.

NTB Governor Zulkieflimansyah previously visited the presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo who was accompanied by the Daily Chair of the Perindo DPP Tuan Guru Bajang (TGB) Muhammad Zainul Majdi at the Perindo NTB DPW Office in Mataram City.

Zulkieflimansyah admitted that his arrival to meet Ganjar Pranowo was not intentional but his presence as an old friend who both had served as a member of the Indonesian Parliament.

"I came because I have been in the DPR RI for a long time and as a friend," he said, confirmed after meeting Ganjar Pranowo and TGB at the Perindo NTB DPW office.

He emphasized that as a friend and person who had sat together for a long time in the DPR RI, of course they had a relationship with Ganjar Pranowo, something ordinary, even though they were different parties.

Therefore, his meeting on one stage with Ganjar and TGB Muhammad Zainul Majdi who also served as Governor of NTB for two terms, 2008-2018, was a natural thing so there was no need to exaggerate.

"So we are now both governors. That's why when Ganjar was told he came, it was normal and normal," said the PKS cadre.

Previously, while on stage, Ganjar Pranowo welcomed the Governor of NTB with a welcome. Ganjar and TGB greeted the Governor of NTB who at that time wore a green t-shirt.

"I thought the PPP shirt or I wanted to join Pak Sandi into the PPP," said Ganjar, who was greeted with applause and laughter from Perindo NTB cadres.

Ganjar said that he and TGB and Zulkieflimansyah were not people who had just met yesterday but had known each other for a long time because they had both served as members of the DPR RI. In addition, they are also governors.

"So we are both governors. TGB was once governor, the two of me (Ganjar and Zulkieflimansyah, ed.) are still governors. So the two positions we often meet and gather," he explained.

Even if not in the same party, according to Ganjar, it is natural.

"About the different parties, a little bit. It's okay, but the point is the same and of course I am very happy to be welcomed by religious leaders and community leaders, friends from supporting parties," he said.

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