
The fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia, Megawati Soekarnoputri, asked for the implementation of special research immediately to explore, reconstruct, and preserve the almost extinct cultural arts work of the archipelago. "At the largest colossal cultural arts event in Bali, the almost extinct Balinese tradition should be explored and reconstructed," said Megawati when opening the Bali Arts Festival (PKB) XLV 2023 in front of the Bali People's Struggle Monument, Niti Mandala, Denpasar, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday 18 June. Megawati revealed that almost extinct cultural art is one of the priorities so that President Joko Widodo assigns himself to the Steering Committee of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). She has assigned the Governor of Bali I Wayan Koster to work on it, one of which is to collect and do research related to the Outtar. "The turnover is not only the matter of the sphere, but rather its contents. It must also be collected and studied for what its interpretation. It means (the origin substance) is what it is. I know that there is an arena for treatment and so on," said Megawati. In addition, research all of them are directed to study the language used. That language can be taught again to Indonesian children today. According to him, every work of art must contain knowledge, philosophy, value, and something that is very beneficial for life. "As I said earlier, I know that in Bali this traditional treatment is called balian'. So, balian is commonly written down from generation to the location watching which contains the traditional treatment," he explained. If research is carried out with gratitude and full of love, he said, it would then create a passion, whose end will give birth to such a valuable innovation. In BRIN, I ask to combine between traditional and modern medicine. Thus, in Bali, I think, it must continue to be re-funed, "said Megawati.Thous Balinese residents are present at the location watching to witness the moment when Megawati opens the event. It appears as well as the Chairperson of the PDI Perjuangan DPP M. Prananda Prabowo and the ranks of the PDI Struggle led by I Wayan Koster, who are also the Governor of Bali Province. Megawat was also accompanied

In addition, there were also a number of central officials. There is Hendrar Prihadi, Head of the Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Institute (LKPP) who is also the former Mayor of Semarang.

There were also two cabinet ministers, namely Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno and Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono.

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