
The Presidential Candidate (Capres) from the PDI-P (PDIP) Ganjar Pranowo reminded the importance of a touch of affection in the harmonious Indonesian family. Ganjar Pranowo invites men to pay more attention to their wives. Even the Governor of Central Java admitted that he did not hesitate to occasionally say I Love You to his wife, Siti Atiqoh Supriyanto or familiarly called Atiqoh Ganjar Pranowo. "Pay attention. The gentlemen like not to pay attention to women. Once in a while why say 'wah you are so beautiful' to his wife. But not to other people," said Ganjar half joking at the consolidation event of the West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) PDIP in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Sunday, June 18. Ganjar admitted that he really felt how powerful the expression of love was when it was conveyed to his partner. He admitted that at first he rarely revealed i love you, but once that feeling was conveyed, there was intimacy in the heart that was difficult to express. "It turned out to be a woman too. (Initially) I also never paid attention to it. As soon as I said I love you to my wife just once, she's already ‘aaaa’," said Ganjar. Ganjar himself was present in NTB to carry out a number of activities with the community. One of them will attend Akbar's meeting with thousands of NTB people. Regarding the election process, Ganjar explained that many big figures and mass organizations in NTB had not yet made their stance. And this is an opportunity for his voice to be taken. "This (many mass organizations) are still shifting. Swing, ladies and gentlemen. This is the opportunity for you to take it. There are various ways. The segmentation is now there. The old one is old. He is like Mr. Rachmat. While chatting for recitation. Invited to finish. The young one has a different approach, "explained Ganjar.
In this consolidation event, the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP Sri Rahayu and I Made Urip were present, as well as the Chairman of the PDIP NTB DPD Rachmat Hidayat. All DPC administrators, Ratting, PDIP Branch Children throughout NTB were also present at this consolidation event.

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