
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) said that the waste management strategy in Indonesia is carried out in a sustainable manner through the circular economic ecosystem.

"The approach to collaboration was taken to achieve the target of reducing emissions from the waste sector within the framework of the zero waste emission program," said Director General of Waste Management, Waste and B3 of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry Rosa Vivien Ratnawati as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, June 17.

Vivien explained that the development of a circular economic ecosystem is important to preserve the environment while at the same time promoting economic and social welfare.

Collaboration between the government, business actors, the private sector, and the community aims to form a waste management value chain.

"Each party has a role in a rotating process that ultimately contributes to reducing national waste and achieving the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions," he said.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry noted that Indonesia managed to reduce the incidence of waste by 17.34 percent or the equivalent of 12 million tons from the total waste generation reaching 69.2 million tons in 2022.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has launched a program entitled Indonesia Bersih 2025 based on Presidential Regulation Number 97 of 2017 concerning national policies and strategies for managing household waste and household waste.

Through this program, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry targets Indonesia to handle 70 percent of waste and reduce the remaining 30 percent through strategies from upstream to downstream.

"By strengthening the value chain by the parties, we are optimistic that we can jointly answer challenges and solutions to overcome the Indonesian waste problem," said Vivian.

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