
JAKARTA - Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP) Advisory Council M. Romahurmuziy is optimistic that Sandiaga Uno will be able to boost the party's electability in the 2024 election.

"Our hope is that it can contribute around 3-4 percent," Romahurmuziy was quoted as saying by ANTARA, Friday, June 16.

He explained that the last PPP electability survey was at 4.1 percent for the parliamentary threshold. So, with Sandiaga joining, he hopes that PPP's electability can be more than 8 percent.

"This can be seen from the boisterous news on the mass media and social media lines," he added.

In addition, he continued, this figure could be even bigger if Sandiaga Uno was decided to become a candidate for vice president (cawapres) to accompany Ganjar Pranowo's presidential candidate.

According to Romahurmuziy, Sandiaga is the national figure who has the highest electability in several surveys. In addition, the minister of tourism and the creative economy is the national figure who competes at the national level the most.

"The label of figures who are attached to millennials, is very adequate, and sufficient for PPP to be able to synergize with Sandiaga," he explained.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the Organization, Cadreization and Membership Division (OKK) of the Central Sulawesi PPP DPW Syarif Latadano said the joining of Sandiaga Uno was an encouragement for PPP cadres in the regions to win the party bearing the Kaaba symbol.

"We hope that millennials who like Sandiaga can vote for PPP after he determines his political direction," said Syarif.

He emphasized his readiness to win PPP in Central Sulawesi with Ganjar Pranowo as the prospective presidential candidate for PPP and PDI Perjuangan.

"Especially if Sandiaga is the vice presidential candidate for Ganjar, we will definitely be even more enthusiastic," he said.

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