
JAKARTA - The Palestinian Authority (PA) on Thursday (15/6) accused Israel of dragging the Middle East into chaos.

A Palestinian youth was killed and six others injured when the Israeli military stormed Nablus City in the West Bank, the Health Ministry said.

A number of Palestinians experience shortness of breath due to the tear gas used by Israeli forces.

Israeli soldiers also destroyed a house belonging to a Palestinian prisoner family accused by Tel Aviv of carrying out an attack that killed an army in October last year.

"The Israeli occupation government dragged the (Central East) territory into the escalation and circle of violence through its relentless crimes against the Palestinian people," said PA spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeineh.

"The politics of collective punishment imposed by Israel either through the destruction of houses, killings, or a war crime as international law has been mentioned," he said.

PA spokesmans have demanded that Israel be responsible for their violations of the Palestinian people.

He also asked the United States government "to speak up and order Israel to stop crimes and violations against the Palestinian people committed every day."

Tensions across the occupied West Bank have peaked in recent months after Israel invaded Palestinian cities.

According to Palestinian data, 161 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli troops since the start of this year, on the other hand 21 Israelis were killed in various attacks during the same period.

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