
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) does not want to remove the names of Sjamsul Nursalim and his wife, Itjih Nursalim from the wanted list (DPO).

Both of them are suspects in a corruption case related to the issuance of a Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Certificate (SKL).

This was conveyed by Acting KPK spokesman for the field of prosecution Ali Fikri in response to Maqdir Ismail's lawyer who said that the determination of the suspects Sjamsul and Itjih was invalid since the Supreme Court decision released Syafruddin Arsyad Temenggung.

"So far, the panel of judges has not considered the case on behalf of the SAT to remove the suspect status of other parties. Therefore, of course, the DPO status is still valid," Ali said in a written statement to reporters, Monday, January 25.

Furthermore, the KPK emphasized that it would continue to resolve this case according to the applicable mechanism.

"We ensure that every corruption case handling by the Corruption Eradication Commission is carried out in accordance with the applicable legal mechanisms," he said.

Previously, it is reported that the KPK said it would try to solve a number of cases which had become their homework. These cases include the alleged corruption of the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Certificate (SKL) with the suspect.

Sjamsul Nursalim and Itjih Nursalim; case of alleged corruption in the procurement of three units of Quay Container Crane (QCC) at PT Pelindo II with the suspect, former President Director of PT Pelindo II, RJ Lino.

Then, the case of alleged bribery for the management of Interim replacement (PAW) of DPR members with the suspect former PDIP candidate Harun Masiku; and the case of alleged corruption in the e-KTP project with the suspect President Director of PT Shandipala Arthaputra, Paulus Tanos.

In the case of SKL BLBI, KPK Deputy Chairman Nawawi Pomolango stated that his party would try to complete the investigation of Sjamsul and Itjih who had been fugitives since mid-2019.

This is because the Supreme Court (MA) through the cassation decision has released the former Head of the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA), Syafruddin Arsyad Temenggung from the prison sentence.

"The decision to release the defendant from all legal charges (onslag van alle rechtsvervolging) resulted in two suspects still being investigated. Investigators are still trying to resolve the case," said Nawawi some time ago.

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