BOGOR - A girl with the initials J (13) was found dead after ventured to swim into the middle of the river in Pesanggrahan River, Pabuaran Village, Pabuaran Village, Bojonggede District, Bogor Regency when it rained.
Emergency and Logistics Staff at the Bogor Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Jalaludin confirmed the incident and said that his party received a report at 17.30 WIB, last Thursday.
Jalaludin also told a brief chronology of the seconds before the victim was carried away to the deepest vortex of water during the rain.
He said, at around 16:00 WIB there were 6 children bathing in Pesanggrahan River and the victim ventured to try to swim to the center of the river quite deeply.
"At that time all his friends shouted to remind them not to go into the middle of the river. The spontaneously of the victim who was already in the middle was attracted to the rotation of the water current," said Jalaludin on Friday, June 16.
After receiving a report from the Bogor Regency BPBD rapid reaction team, they immediately searched for victims who were residents of Pabuaran Village RT.03/03 Pabuaran Village, Bojonggede District, Bogor Regency.
"When the search starts at 18.00 WIB until 19.30 WIB," he said.
But unfortunately the victims who were successfully evacuated were already lifeless.
The team then transferred the victim's body to his family's house for proper burial.
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