
JAKARTA - In today's digital era, streaming or live broadcast activities are one of the most popular activities by social media users. Anyone can broadcast their activities live from selling to playing games once in a while! This interaction done through streaming makes a person interested in continuing to share moments and activities with online friends and indirectly can make money too, you know! Therefore, it is not uncommon for many people to compete to become game streamers to channel hobbies and earn income. If you are one of those interested in becoming a game streamer, here are some ways that can be done as a beginner to be successful and popular. Check out more information below!

The first step you have to do is determine the genre of games that you will play and broadcast live. By determining the genre or type of online game, you can target the audience appropriately and accordingly. For example, if you choose the horror game genre, the audience's target to be achieved is horror game fans who want to know how to play the game or complete the mission together. In addition, with the focus of this genre, you can also provide discussion forums for audiences about the game being played. The discussion can be in the form of tips and trick completing missions, recommendations of the latest game title, or even sharing experiences when playing the game. Not only interaction between you and the audience, but also audiences with other users can exchange information with each other.

After specifying which types of games to broadcast, you need to specify which types of platforms will be used for game streaming. Nowadays, there are many streaming applications that can be used, such as YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, TikTok, and many more. Each platform provides different features to support live broadcast run. For example, the Twitch app. This application is one of the streamer platforms popular with international users. This Twitch does focus on game streaming and other users can give appreciation in the form of digital funds. In addition, if your audience target is a common user of various circles, you can take advantage of YouTube or TikTok as a streaming medium. This is because both applications have the most number of users compared to other special game applications.

One of the keys to success in being a game streamer is the existence of a regular streaming schedule. Why is that? By having a consistent schedule, the audience will be more interested and know when you will start playing. In addition, you can also open a forum on when it is best time to play games so that audiences can adjust their time to watch. For example, audiences have more free time every Saturday night. So, you can schedule streaming at that time so that the audience's target remains achieved. That way, your audience can be more and even increase over time.

In running live streaming, of course you don't want to be hampered because lagging or connection is cut off, right? Therefore, make sure you use a fast and stable internet network to avoid these risks. Unstable connectivity will result in less clear video quality and not optimal. You can use a broadband service that is suitable for gamers such as First Media which offers internet speed starting at 50 Mbps. With that speed, you can run smoothly in playing games while streaming because of course these activities will consume considerable power.

Being a game streamer not only highlights the ability to complete missions, but also shows uniqueness and self quality. This self-quality is related to skills and openness to feedback or suggestions from audiences about the games being played. That way, you can further develop yourself to improve the ability to play games. In addition, you can also know the audience's desire for streaming delivery styles starting from how to put the camera down to be comfortable to see, how to talk in front of the camera, and much more. In addition, you can show the uniqueness of the costumes or clothes used during streaming, the type of game you play, or even collaboration with other streamers.

The last step that is no less important is to promote your streaming account. The way that can be done is interacting with other streamers, either through collaboration, mutual promotion, or being part of a larger gaming community. This can help increase the engagement of your account and expand the reach of your audience. In addition, also take advantage of social media, game forums, and other platforms to promote your streaming channel. Use quality internet services so that promotional processes can continue to be intensified through smooth and fast networks. Now, there are many providers who provide a variety of stable internet services to help support the promotion of your streaming account like First Media. After knowing how to become a successful and popular game streamer, are you interested in trying it? There's nothing wrong with starting to become a game streamer by relying on internet-based platforms. For that, make sure your internet connection is stable by choosing the right providers like First Media.

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