
PALEMBANG - South Sumatra Regional Police officers confiscated as much as nine tons of diesel oplosan fuel from a shelter warehouse in Ogan Ilir Regency.

Head of Sub-Directorate IV Tipiter of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Sumatra Regional Police, Adjunct Senior Commissioner of Police Tito Dani, said that the confiscation of solar oplosan was carried out after a police team conducted a raid on the warehouse on Monday.

"Currently, the solar oplosan has been secured as evidence at the South Sumatra Regional Police Headquarters," said tito, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, June 13.

He explained that the solar splosan shelter warehouse is located on Jalan Lintas Palembang - Prabumulih, Permata Baru Village, North Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir.

From the warehouse, the police found 90 baby tanks with a capacity of 200 liters and seven drums filled with solar oplosan and crude oil.

In addition, 80 baby tanks were also found empty, which were also confiscated by the police.

According to him, the illegal sheltering activity was revealed from the results of reconnaissance by personnel from the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Sumatra Regional Police and the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Ogan Ilir Police.

This stems from reports from local residents who suspect that the 1,200 square meter zinc warehouse is often in and out of trucks but it is never known who the owner is.

"Currently, we have vacated the warehouse by dismantling it and the land is sealed by police lines and is correct under police supervision," he said.

The sealing was carried out to reveal who owns the land where the warehouse was built.

Because according to him, the warehouse raid operation was empty, so officers had not succeeded in arresting the perpetrators.

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