
JAKARTA - The Bandung Police have succeeded in securing 68 members of motorcycle gangs who often carry out gathering activities that disturb the community in the Bandung Kidul area, Bandung City. The majority of them are students who are still studying at the junior high to high school level. The arrests were made on Saturday, June 10 in the morning by the Bandung Kidul Sector Police.

The Head of Bandung Kidul Police, Kompol Atep Suhendi, explained that the motorcycle gang members often held alcoholic drinking parties around the Wates Village Office, based on information received from the public. The police then conducted an investigation in the area on Friday night. When met, dozens of youths are suspected of being preparing to carry out motor convoys to the center of Bandung City.

A total of 68 people who used the XTC attributes and were ready to carry out the convoy action to the city were successfully secured by the police. In addition, the police also confiscated dozens of vehicles used by the youths. The majority of them were unable to show a driving license (SIM) and a Vehicle Registration Certificate (STNK), resulting in action by the police.

After the arrest, the members of the motorcycle gang were taken to the Bandung Police Office located on Jalan Jawa, Bandung City. The police then collected data on the identities of the youths. Furthermore, the police will also call parents and the school of the students involved to provide a deterrent effect on their behavior.

This action was taken by the Bandung Police to create a sense of security and comfort for the people in the Bandung Kidul area and provide lessons to students so as not to be involved in activities that violate the law and disturb the community.

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