JAKARTA - Menparekraf Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno revealed that Indonesia won the title of Top Muslim Friendly Destination of The Year 2023 at the Mastercard Crescent Rating Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI) 2023 in Singapore.
"We got results that were unexpected, Indonesia managed to be in the first position of the Global Muslim Travel Index," Sandiaga said in a statement reported by ANTARA, Saturday, June 3.
Sandiaga said this increase was an extraordinary achievement, where in 2021, Indonesia will be ranked fourth and second in 2022.
Initially, Sandiaga targeted that by 2025 he would be ranked first, but it turns out that in 2023 the team that is preparing to successfully execute several mainstay programs will be in first position.
Sandiaga said this achievement was the result of the collaboration of related parties, especially the Indonesian Halal Tourism Association (PPHI), Halal In Travel, Mastercard Crescent, and others.
Through the collaboration that was established, continued Sandiaga, PPHI was able to win two awards at once, including stakeholder Awareness Campaign of The Year from Mastercard Crescent Rating GMTI Awards and Stakeholder Awareness Campaign of the year from the 2023 Halal In Travel Awards.
"Thank you to all those who have fought together, hopefully this will not only be maintained but improved. We hope that the target of 8.5 million tourists will also be supported by halal tourism and Muslim tourists," said Sandiaga.
This achievement is expected to accelerate the target of creating 4.4 million jobs in 2024, one of which relies on halal tourism.
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