
JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPD RI AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti asked for the classic problem of trafficking in persons (TPPO) abroad with the mode of sending illegal migrant workers to be resolved with appropriate and decisive steps.

The case, according to LaNyalla, is an extraordinary case that must receive super serious attention. "This is related to the state's obligation to protect its people. Of course, it is sad if every day a body is repatriated as a victim of trafficking in persons because of poverty. They intend to seek sustenance in people's countries, but even their bodies come home," said LaNyalla, Wednesday, May 31.

Data from the Indonesian Migrant Workers Protection Agency (BP2MI), continued LaNyalla, made it sad. BP2MI chairman Benny Rhamdani revealed, in one year, there were 1,900 bodies of Indonesian citizens who were repatriated to Indonesia as victims of TIP who were illegally employed abroad.

Therefore, LaNyalla conveyed that the government must have a complete scheme to stop TIP and eradicate the trade mafia of people to its roots.

"Stop sending illegal migrant workers, because 90 percent of the number of Indonesian citizens who died were illegally dispatched by syndicate actors. Then the need for police officers and related agencies to process the law of the perpetrators to the officers suspected of protecting these mafias," he said.

"The problem of human trafficking is a fundamental problem. It is about human rights that must guarantee state protection," added the Senator from East Java.

The modus operandi of smuggling migrant workers is actually understood by the legal apparatus. However, the question is why similar incidents are still repeated. The government should be able to minimize this.

Based on BP2MI data, Indonesian citizens who are officially registered to work abroad are approximately 4.7 million. So the assumption is that 4.3 million Indonesians work abroad who depart unprocedurally. These are those who are prone to being trapped in TIP.

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