OGAN ILIR - The investigating prosecutor of the Ogan Ilir District Attorney's Office, South Sumatra, named the head of the regional General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) with the initials DI as a suspect in the alleged corruption of grant funds for the 2020 fiscal year. Head of the Intelligence Section of the Ogan District Attorney's Office, Ilir Ario Apriyanto Gopar, said that apart from DI, investigators also named two members of Bawaslu Ogan Ilir as suspects in the same case, each with the initials I and R. "DI, I and R, all three were officially named as suspects after investigators obtained sufficient evidence to be strengthened by witness and expert statements," said Ario, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, June 1. He explained that the case began when Bawaslu Ogan Ilir obtained a grant of Rp. 19.35 billion, sourced from the local APBD for the 2019 and 2020 fiscal years. Then, from the results of the investigation, ID, I and R are suspected of being involved in making fictitious or mark-up accountability reports on the management of the grant funds. In fact, based on the report on the audit results of the South Sumatra Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) received by Kejari Ogan Ilir stated that the suspect's actions resulted in state financial losses of Rp. 7.4 billion. For this reason, Ario ensured that currently the suspects were detained at the Class 1 A Pakjo Palembang State Detention Center for up to 20 days in the future.
The alleged corruption case is the result of the development of the investigation of three other Bawaslu officials, Ogan Ilir, who have been named as suspects by the investigating prosecutor. The three suspects are AS (Coordinator of the Secretariat/PPK Bawaslu Ogan Ilir 2019-2020), HF (Coordinator of the Secretariat/PPK Bawaslu Ogan Ilir 2022-2021) and RI (PPNPN/Organ Ilir Bawaslu Financial Sector Operator Staff).
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