
BOYOLALI - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo has his own way of commemorating the birthday of Pancasila which coincided on Thursday, June 1.

Not in the office as usual, this time Ganjar held a ceremony to commemorate the birthday of Pancasila under Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu, precisely in Pancasila square, Cepogo Village, Boyolali Regency.

Wearing a red beskap, Ganjar led the Pancasila birthday ceremony at that place. In front of hundreds of participants, Ganjar emphasized the importance of maintaining unity between the nation's children.

"The anniversary of Pancasila must be a momentum for the Indonesian nation to increase unity. That way, the ideals of our founding fathers to advance the Indonesian nation will be achieved," he said.

Pancasila continued Ganjar is the main milestone of national unity. Therefore, President Joko Widodo in 2016 set June 1 as the birthday of Pancasila.

The Indonesian nation should be grateful, because this determination makes this nation not forget its history and identity. That way, all potential for prosperity can be optimized.

"Currently, we have experienced the evidence for ourselves. We managed to control the majority stake in Freeport, we managed to stop exporting raw nickel, exporting bauxite as well and soon we will stop exporting copper and tin," he explained.

Since 2020, Indonesia has always experienced a trade surplus of more than 20 billion US Dollars. Even in 2022, Indonesia managed to make history with a trade surplus of 54.46 billion US Dollars.

"That is optimism that was born after we got to know and appreciate history," he said.

So Ganjar asked all people, especially village heads in Central Java, to explore history in their respective regions. Because from there a positive narrative will be born that will strengthen the mentality and optimism of the residents.

"After the narrative and mentality are formed, all people will move optimally for the sake of prosperity. So there is no need for the village community to work to the city because the sustenance village is abundant," he explained.

Ganjar also asked the village heads to involve the elders and youth, universities and of course the government from districts, provinces to the center to work together, join hands together to make that happen.

"That's why the spirit of life of our country is true. Everyone works hand in hand regardless of differences in ethnicity, religion, race, and class. Because all those who stand below the red and white have the same rights and obligations to maintain and practice Pancasila," he concluded.

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