
YOGYAKARTA - Indonesia plans to practice the Multi Lane Free Flow (MLFF) payment system on toll roads. MLFF is a touchless toll payment system or card.

Through the MLFF system, toll road users no longer need to stop when they want to pay the toll road. This is expected to be able to handle long queues at the entrance or exit of the toll road.

MLFF technology itself has been used by several countries. Curious which countries have implemented it? Quoted from various sources along with the list:


There is no doubt that Germany looks at a country with the most advanced technology in the world. The use of MLFF itself has been tried for several years.

The use of MLFF there relies on Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) technology. Making its use very efficient with a confidence level of 99.95 percent.


MLFF has already implemented neighboring Malaysia. Malaysian society is currently using an infrared-based SmartTAG system. The implementation of the MLFF in Malaysia was planned long before Indonesia, which was in 2008. At that time the trial was tried at the Toll Road Plaza of the Penchala River LDP.


The use of MLFF has been widely implemented in Eastern European countries including Hungary. They have implemented it for more than 7 years. This technology has been successfully implemented and provided many facilities to the Hungarian people. There, the means of MLFF are managed by Hungarian Toll Services Company (NUZs).


The country, which is popular with its advanced technology, has also used a toll payment system without a card. There is also technology used which is radio frequency identification (RFID). VOUCHER SPECIAL INEWS


Taiwan is the first country to shift from a manual toll system to an MLFF system. No half-hearted, this technology is embedded in all toll roads there. Taiwan used the last manual toll system in 2003. Interestingly, even though the toll system has shifted, the rates imposed are still the same from before.

So after knowing the country implementing the MLFF, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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