JAKARTA - Head of the State Administration Agency (LAN) Adi Suryanto explained the use of the budget in the Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission II of the DPR at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Monday, May 29.
"The LAN budget ceiling in 2022 is IDR 318.56 billion. The realization of the 2022 budget is IDR 311.33 billion or 97.73 percent," he said.
He explained that LAN received the second-ranked award as the institution with the best 2022 budget implementation performance for the category of ministries/small ceiling institutions by the Ministry of Finance.
Meanwhile, the LAN budget ceiling in 2023 is IDR 323.16 billion plus non-tax state revenue (PNBP) so that the total budget ceiling is IDR 334.79 billion. The realization of the budget until May 26, 2023 is IDR 103.75 billion or 30.99 percent.
Then, the LAN indicative ceiling for 2024 based on the Letter of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas amounting to Rp304.33 billion.
"Compared to the 2023 ceiling, there was a decrease in the budget of IDR 30.46 billion or 9.1 percent," he said.
LAN submitted an additional proposal for the 2024 budget of IDR 39.88 billion. The budget is intended for the renovation and rehabilitation of the ASN Corporate University building, strengthening the learning innovation system, and calculating the lack of personnel spending in 2024.
Adi said LAN had proposed a structural change that had not been completed for 1.5 years. He admitted that the institutional change took a long time for the process.
"The submission is because the function of research and innovation has been emphasized by its authority to BRIN," he explained.
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