
JAKARTA After Mahfud MD was critical of the alleged leak of the Constitutional Court (MK) decision regarding the 2024 proportional general election decision (Pemilu) closed, now it is the turn of the General Chairperson of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Abdul Muhaimin Iskandar. Cak Imin, asked the Constitutional Court to investigate and thoroughly investigate the information leak.

"The dignity and integrity of the Constitutional Court must be maintained because the position of the Constitutional Court is crucial in resolving the presidential election dispute. If there is an impression that the Constitutional Court can intervene and the decision is leaked, people will no longer trust the Constitutional Court. The presidential election dispute can be resolved on the streets later," said Muhaimin, quoted from Antara, Sunday, May 29.

According to him, the leak not only caused a public commotion, but also tarnished the good name of the Constitutional Court.

He also admitted that he was surprised and surprised after reading the news that said the Constitutional Court would decide that the upcoming 2024 election would be held with a closed proportional system.

"There is news about the Constitutional Court's decision on a closed proportional system. Regardless of whether the information is true or not, how come the Constitutional Court's decision has not been read out in front of the trial but has been leaked first?" he said.

On the other hand, the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives admitted that he did not question any material that would be the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding the 2024 Election system.

"When it comes to the material of the Constitutional Court's decision, of course whatever the decision is, we will respect it as a final and binding decision," he said.

He believes that the Constitutional Court has a strong and best basis in making a decision. "The important thing is to maintain so that the impact of the Constitutional Court's decision does not make it difficult for the KPU so that it has the potential to postpone the election schedule," he added.

Previously, former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) Denny Indrayana claimed to have received information about the Constitutional Court's decision regarding the legislative election system which will return to a closed proportional system.

Meanwhile, the Constitutional Court (MK) has received a request for a judicial review of Article 168 paragraph (2) of the Election Law related to an open proportional system registered with case registration number 114/PUU-XX/2022 on November 14, 2022.

The six applicants are Demas Brian Wicaksono (Pemohon I), Yuwono Pintadi (Pemohon II), Fahrurrozi (Pemohon III), Ibnu Rachman Jaya (Permohon IV), Riyanto (Pemohon V), and Nono Marijono (Pemohon VI).

Eight of the nine political party factions in the DPR RI also stated that they rejected the closed proportional electoral system, namely the Golkar, Gerindra, Democrat, NasDem, PAN, PKB, PPP and PKS factions. Only one faction wants a closed proportional election system, namely the PDI Perjuangan.

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