
JAKARTA - Prospective pilgrims from Depok City, West Java, have been dispatched through the Bekasi Hajj Dormitory. Head of the Depok City Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Office, Enjat Mujiat, released the 10th batch of Hajj candidates in Depok City to continue their journey to the Holy Land of Mecca.

A total of 366 prospective pilgrims from Depok City left for the Bekasi Hajj Dormitory, consisting of 157 men and 209 women. Eight Hajj officers also accompanied the congregation in the group. The total number of prospective Depok pilgrims departing this year was 1,660 people.

On the way to the Holy Land, prospective pilgrims are asked to maintain their health. Enjat Mujiat gave a message to the congregation to often spray their faces with water because of the hot weather there, as well as to increase the consumption of water.

Head of the Hajj and Umrah (PHU) Section of the Depok Ministry of Religion, Yuli Rahmawati, explained that at the Bekasi Embarkation Hajj Dormitory, prospective pilgrims underwent various activities, including health checks, guidance on Hajj rituals, distribution of living costs, distribution of passports and identity bracelets, as well as checking documents by Immigration.

The pilgrims will depart on Sunday, May 28, 2023, at 08.05 WIB to Soekarno-Hatta Airport. They will continue their journey to the Holy Land of Mecca using Saudi Airlines aircraft.

The process of preparing and leaving prospective pilgrims is part of a series of Hajj services this year which is sought by the Ministry of Religion to ensure comfort and success in carrying out the pilgrimage.

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