JAKARTA - Dito Mahendra, a suspect in the illegal possession of firearms, is said to have run out of money. Dito returned to his home in Brawijaya, South Jakarta and had asked for food.
This statement was obtained by the police while examining witnesses during a search of two houses of Dito Mahendra.
The search was carried out in two locations, namely a house on Jalan Intan RSPP Number 8, Cilandak, South Jakarta and a house on Jalan Taman Brawijaya III, Number 6A, North Cipete, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta.
The five witnesses who were arrested were assistants Dito Mahendra and Nindy Ayunda, namely Hadi, Taufik, Hendro, Ara, Fitri and Piter.
"(Witness) was secured for questioning," said Director of General Crimes (Dirtipidum) of the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro, quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, May 20.
From the testimony of witnesses, investigators obtained information from Dito Mahendra, the last week they only came to Brawijaya's house because there was no money. He came home to ask for money and asked for food, and lived in the house, according to witness Hadi's statement.
Then the witness who was at the house of Jalan Intan RSPP Number 8, West Cilandak, the witnesses confirmed that the house belonged to Dito Mahendra.
The witnesses confirmed that Dito Mahendra and Nindy Ayunda lived together at the house of Jalan Intan RSPP. Nindy is known to live in the house every day.
Then, on April 21, on the night of the takbiran, Dito Mahendra came to the house of Jalan Intan RSPP using a White Innova, and lived until April 23. Just left the house after that with the witness with the initials AA.
The next information, dated May 1, Dito returned to the house using the same car and only left on May 2.
Mahendra Dito Sampurna alias Dito Mahendra has been named a suspect in the alleged possession of 9 illegal firearms. In fact, he is now a fugitive from Bareskrim Polri.
His status as a fugitive is because Dito has never been present at the summons for examination either at the investigation or investigation stage.
Illegal senpi yang diduga milik Dito Mahendra antara lain, pistol jenis Clock 17, Revolver S&W, pistol Clock 19 Zev, dan pistol Angstatd Arms.
Then the Noveske Reflections, AK 101, the Heckler & Koch G 36 rifle, the Heckler & Koch MP 5 pistol, and the Walther air rifle.
In this case, Dito Mahendra is threatened with life imprisonment or 20 years. Dito can be charged with Emergency Law number 12 of 1951.
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