
JAKARTA - One of the professors of the Jakarta State University (UNJ), James Tangkudung, said that during the 1998 reform incident, when he was still a student after IKIP Jakarta undergraduate, he played a role in taking to the streets during the reform era. This was conveyed during the 59th UNJ Dies Natalis activity.

Even at that time, he came driving an ambulance containing food and banners that read "New Millennia, New President". When James arrived at the parliament building, no other student had made it in other than him.

"In the ambulance there was a lot of food from the Padang restaurant and banners that we installed at that time it was written 'New Millennia, New President'," James said when confirmed, Thursday, May 18.

In his statement, when the 1998 reform event was vibrant, he had also prepared and brought a banner that read "New Millennia, New President". The banner was deliberately made by him in the Pramuka area, Jakarta.

"So in May, I (as) the chairman of postgraduate student communication forums throughout Jakarta, at that time I was from IKIP Jakarta. We heard that BEM S1 friends were ready to demonstrate the shooting that occurred, (as a form of) protest. We are moving," he said.

James said that at that time, IKIP Jakarta students came with black banners and put them on the cliffs of the DPR RI building.

"The banner was taken in an ambulance which also brought Padang rice food," he said.

After arriving, James and other IKIP students immediately went to the parliament building. They also faced the security forces directly.

"Arriving there, I (as) the chairman of the forum being held at gunpoint, I (was) in front. I was held at gunpoint by 2hubs, left and right," he recalled.

The situation at the time of the reform movement was very tense. At that time, James saw that Jakarta's IKIP students were reported in the water channel.

"I have to move to protest, because others were shot and burned everywhere. As chairman, we walked there. Then I went forward, (justru) was pressured by the army. The Bayonet was left and right, I couldn't move," he said.

Until finally, the Jakarta IKIP student group led by James managed to break through the parliament building. He said that he was the first person to enter first with a banner.

James, who is one of the reformers, also advised students in the current millennial era to continue to do good and apply honesty.

"I apply to my students to go straight. So this young generation, the millennial generation. Our country is rich, our country is safe, please move forward. Our target in 2045 is to achieve justice and prosperity. To achieve this target, we must fight. I as a professor, I want students to maintain the peace and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia in order to achieve the target of justice and prosperity," he said.

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