
BENGKULU - Sub-Directorate of Indagsi Ditreskrimsus Bengkulu Regional Police (Polda) conducted an investigation into S, the alleged counterfeit fertilizer buyer, as many as 20 tons, which was confiscated a few days ago.

The examination was carried out after the laboratory results of two types of fertilizers, namely NPK Jenjang Mas fertilizer and Pupuk NPK Posnka which were suspected to be fake, came out.

"We will examine S, a resident of Sungai Serut sub-district who bought the counterfeit fertilizer from Medan City, North Sumatra," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Indagsi of the Bengkulu Police Ditreskrimsus AKBP Haerudin as reported by ANTARA, Monday, May 15.

The fake fertilizer will be distributed in the Bengkulu Province through workers in the area owned by S.

Based on S's statement, he has twice bought fertilizers to be resold throughout the Bengkulu area.

Previously, the Sub-Directorate of Indagsi Ditreskrimsus Bengkulu Police confiscated 20 tons of fertilizer suspected of being fake fertilizer when carried by container truck

The 20 tons consist of 10 tons of NPK's Jenjang Mas fertilizer and 10 tons of Posnka NPK fertilizer.

Each sack contains fertilizers with a net weight of 50 kilograms (Kg) per sack.

The confiscation was due to violating Article 8 paragraph (1) letter A junto Article 62 paragraph (1) of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection and or Article 122 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2019 concerning a sustainable agricultural cultivation system.

The arrest was made by the police based on public information regarding the rampant spread of counterfeit fertilizers in Bengkulu.

Currently, the 20 tons are still confiscated and temporarily deposited in the warehouse of Bulog Bengkulu.

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