
TANGERANG - A 7-year-old boy with the initials RA who was reported missing because he was swept away in the river in the Pondok Aren area, South Tangerang, was finally found. However, at the time the victim was found dead.

"Alhamdulillah, it was found, at 7 (this morning)," said South Tangerang BPBD Head of Emergency and Logistics M Faridzal Gumay when confirmed, Wednesday, May 10.

Gumay explained that the victim was found, the body was caught in a riverside wood.

"I'm stuck in arrears, with a slightly tilted position under the feet above," he said.

Currently, the victim has been taken to the funeral home for burial.

Previously, a child with the initials RA (7) was reported to have swept away in the river in the Pondok Aren area, South Tangerang. BPBD officers are still searching.

"Not yet (discovered) is still being searched," said South Tangerang BPBD Head of Emergency and Logistics M Faridzal Gumay when confirmed, Tuesday, May 9.

Based on the information received, the child fell into the river while playing. However, the incident is detailed, not yet known.

"The chronology is playing but it is not known to slip or what because the victim's friend is currently running away because of fear," he said.

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