
East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Leo Simarmata, confirmed that his party immediately carried out raids on thugs around the location of the burglary case at a mall in the Cipinang area, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta.

"We do raids there. We check directly to the location. We also check some people around there," Kombes Leo told reporters, Tuesday, May 9.

Kombes Leo also said that his party is currently conducting an investigation through CCTV footage at the location. He said his members were currently going to call the people concerned to conduct an in-depth investigation.

"We will make sure via CCTV later, we will investigate the people concerned," he said.

Kombes Leo said that his party would immediately proceed if they found the results of an investigation into an alleged criminal act. For this reason, raids need to be carried out in order to anticipate further criminal acts in the same location.

"But we anticipate the next events in the same location. That's why we empower the security units there to provide comfort and security for the community there," he said.

Previously, the seizure of cellphones against a number of teenagers took place in front of the Cipinang Indah mall, Duren Sawit area, East Jakarta.

Based on CCTV footage, it was seen that a number of teenagers ran towards the mall security to ask for help. They became victims of bullying by a group of thugs around the location.

Then one of the perpetrators continued to chase the victims. The perpetrator accused the victim of committing burglary against another friend of the perpetrator. Then the perpetrators confiscated 6 cell phones belonging to 6 teenagers.

As a result of the incident, 2 victims reported the incident to the Duren Sawit Police Headquarters.

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