
JAKARTA - President Jokowi reiterated the responsibility in handling damaged roads. Not only the central government, governors and mayors/regents have responsibilities.

Every road section in this country has its respective persons in charge. The central government is responsible for national roads, governors for provincial roads, and regents/mayors for district/city roads," Jokowi said via his Instagram account @jokowi, Monday, May 8.

"Meskipun demikian, dalam situasi tertentu, pemerintah pusat akan mengambil alih perbaikan jalan seperti di Provinsi Lampung," sambungnya.

Jokowi previously reviewed the damaged road in Lampung after it went viral. Jokowi decided that the central government through the Ministry of PUPR took over the handling of damaged roads in Lampung.

"A number of roads in this province were then taken over by the central government to be repaired, because they have been damaged for a long time," he said.

As previously reported, President Jokowi during his visit to several points of damaged roads in Central Lampung Regency said he would provide Rp800 billion in funds for road repairs in the area.

"Currently, our spirit is to repair damaged roads and we go through together, both district roads, provinces, cities that are badly damaged," said Joko Widodo during his visit on Jalan Seputih Raman, Central Lampung, quoted by ANTARA Friday, May 5.

He said this year the central government specifically provided funds for road repairs in Lampung Province as much as Rp800 billion.

"So specifically for Lampung, it is more or less for repairing 15 roads, including this, it will be given Rp800 billion," he said.

He explained that the construction of the 15 roads will begin in June, because it must go through an auction period.

"Because I had to auction as soon as I saw the location, I immediately ordered the Minister of PUPR to carry it out, and this will start its work in June," he said.

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